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How do I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription at any time from your Team Settings page on Cloud. You’ll need to be logged in as a team member and have admin rights in order to cancel your subscription. Here’s a step-by-step guide on what to do:

  1. Sign in to Cloud with your Sketch Account details. You’ll need to be an admin of the team you want to cancel the subscription for. If you’re not an admin, you’ll need to ask a team member who is for their help.
  2. Switch to your team’s workspace using the workspace switcher in the top-left corner next to the Sketch logo. Click on the current workspace and select your team’s name.
  3. Open your Team Settings page by clicking on the link at the bottom of the left sidebar.
  4. Select the Billing tab and scroll to the Cancel Subscription section at the bottom of the page.
  5. Press the Cancel Subscription button and confirm your choice in the window that appears on your screen.

What happens when I cancel my subscription?

When you cancel your subscription, your team can keep using Sketch until the end of the billing period (we’ll let you know what that is in the confirmation prompt mentioned in step five of the instructions above). After that date, your documents will be in read-only mode and you will still be able to download them. Any Contributors on your team won’t be able to open, edit or upload documents in Sketch and you won’t be able to add or edit team members.

What if I change my mind?

You can reactivate a cancelled subscription before your billing period ends, so long as you have not deleted your team.

Will my documents stay on Cloud forever?

After a certain period of time we’ll permanently remove your team’s documents and then eventually the team itself. These actions cannot be undone and we’ll contact you before we take either of these steps.

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