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How do Contributor seats work?

The information below applies to Contributor seats you purchase as part of a teams subscription. For information about adding or removing seats with a legacy (SK3) license key, please read this article.

Contributor seats provide users with access to the Sketch App and the shared Team workspace. You have the option to add, remove and assign Contributor seats at a time that suits you.

Adding Contributor Seats

You can add Contributor seats when creating your Team’s workspace. The Contributor seats will be shown within your account’s settings. You can invite the members whom you would like to assign with Contributor access. Any members you will invite will need a valid Sketch Cloud Account.

It is possible to purchase empty Contributor seats for your team. This provides the option to predict your subscription costs. If you have a set annual budget for design tools, purchasing empty seats allows you to add and remove seats throughout your billing cycle without cost fluctuation.

However, if an empty Contributor seat is added outside your billing cycle, we’ll charge you pro rata until the end of that billing cycle. Your future subscription cost will then increase according to the newly added seats.

Upgrading a member from Viewer to Contributor can be done within the account settings. If you have an empty Contributor seat, previously paid for, that seat can be used for the upgrade. If you do not have an empty seat, you can add a Contributor and you will be charged a pro rata fee until the end of your billing cycle.

Removing Contributor seats

If you remove a Contributor from your workspace or downgrade a Contributor to a Viewer role, this will free the Contributor seat. That Contributor seat will remain empty and will not be removed at the end of your billing cycle. To remove a Contributor seat from your team, please continue to the below section, Scheduling Contributor seat change.

Scheduling Contributor seat changes

You can schedule an increase or decrease in the number of Contributor seats within the billing page of your account settings. Scheduled changes will happen at the beginning of the next billing cycle.

Any schedule change created will override the current number of Contributor seats. For example, if you have 10 seats and add 2 more during your billing cycle, the total is then 12 Contributor seats. However, if you then schedule a change to decrease to 5 seats, the change takes priority at the start of your next billing cycle, and you’ll have 5 seats in total.

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