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My custom shortcuts have stopped working

Some menu titles have changed in Sketch v45 and v46. For instance, the former ‘Collapse Artboards and Groups’ now is titled ‘Collapse All Groups’, and ‘Text › Align Left’ is now ‘Text › Align › Left’

Because of these changes, you may have to adjust your custom shortcuts in order to get them working again.

In order to do this, you can search for the new menu option going to Help in the menu bar and searching for the option. If it has changed, go to System Preferences › Keyboard › Shortcuts › App Shortcuts and change the name of your custom shortcut accordingly.

Keep in mind that you can target a specific menu item by using its hierarchy as the shortcut name (i.e: ‘Arrange->Align->Left’, instead of just ‘Left’). Please note the use of ‘->’ with no spaces as a separator.

See Apple’s docs for more info about keyboard shortcuts.

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