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Sketch New York

New York, USA

Francesco Bertocci
Francesco Bertocci

What we're about

This is a group for anyone interested in learning about design and prototyping tools and create user experiences for Mobile, Desktop, Wearables and beyond! I started this group to meet other prototyping enthusiasts and learn from each other.

Design and Prototyping is something that can be useful to different people from UX/UI Designers to Product Designers, from Product Managers to Entrepreneurs – and in general to anyone that wants to communicate an idea for a product, service or feature. All skills levels are welcome. Looking forward to meeting everyone!

Group topics

  • Sketch, best practices and Design Systems
  • Productivity tips and plugins
  • Prototyping & Collaboration 
  • Product/UX/UI design

Feel free to suggest additional topics! 🙂


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